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Spider Fest • September 30th • Photo Highlight

This past weekend’s Spider Fest was a blast, The weather was doing all of us a favor and staying shady! I think we can all agree when we say that we’re all overdue for some way cooler temps, Just waiting for the Weather App to feel the same. Here’s how this weeks Spider Fest went!

This week’s Poker Laps winner won with a three-of-a-kind! That just goes to show that no hand of cards is too small!

The Jump Jam Contest was filled with some crazy competition, It almost seemed like they were trying to take off to the moon! Tons of big air, good amount of whips, and we even had a few no-handers up in the air!

Can’t forget everyone’s favorite event, The Skinny Gauntlet Challenge, we had great participation ranging from GROMS to Adults! Everyone was stoked trying to see who could get the furthest, and while we have yet to have anyone complete the course, we had two riders face in a “Death-match” to see who could get even further out of the two, ultimately we only had one winner!

Thank you to everyone coming out and having a good time with your Spider Mountain Family, We love our community and we look forward to the next Spider Fest! Enjoy some of our favorite photos from one of our favorite local photographers, Keith Smathers. Head over to his gallery to view more photos or to purchase ones for yourself!

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